Friday, December 4, 2009

Consciousness (from various perspectives)

A traditional medical or linear definition –

‘Consciousness is the critical biological function
that allows us to know sorrow, or know joy,
to know suffering or know pleasure.’

Prof Antonio Damasio

A non-linear, non-local view -

‘Consciousness and non-locality are when a persons
thoughts and intentions are instinctively linked to nature and the universe.’

Dr R. Targ

‘Consciousness is a state in which a man knows all at once everything that
in general he knows and in which he can see how little he does know and
how many contradictions there are in what he knows’
G.I. Gurdjieff

Street Philosophy -

‘When a person’s thoughts and intentions are not instinctively linked to nature and the universe’ he is ‘nothing but infinitely small particles on the surface of a grain of a dust lost in the immensity of the cosmos.'
Dr Jay Carson
[derived from the views of to Dr R.Targ and Dr A.Carrel (Nobel Laureate 1873-1944)]

In cosmic terms -
Conciousness: Undefinable and non measurable

Brahman – The inexpressible the indescribable – the ultimate reality